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Evidence-Based Neurological Approach to Multimodal Neurosummation: The Trigenics® Decade Review
by The American Chiropractor
Advanced Neuromuscular Medicine for Soft-Tissue Conditions
and Athletic Enhancement:
Gluteus Medius Strain in a Competitve Triathlete – A Case Study
by Kevin Hooper, DC, FCCSS(C), RTP, FTINMM
Dynamic Chiropractic – Vol 21, No 17, August 16, 2003
Manual Muscle Testing A Thing of the Past?
Hand-Held Dynamometers may quickly replace subjective manual techniques
Dr. James Fung, BSc, DC, RTP
Canadian Chiropractor-Vol 8, No 4, June/July 2003
Achilles Paratenonitis:
A therapeutic case study
By Dr John DeFinney DC FCCSS(C)
Canadian Chiropractor- October 2001
Acute Inversion Ankle Reflexogenic Strain
By Dr Seymour Pisarek DC, RTP, FIIT
Canadian Chiropractor- Vol 7, #4, September 2002
Hamstring Injury-A Case Study
Dr. David Gryfe B.Sc., DC, DAc, FCCSS (c), RTP
February 2003
Hybrid Therapy Aims to Re-establish Neuromuscular Balance
By Dr. Richard M. Cleland
Acute Cervicothoracic Pain:
A case study
By Dr. Jason D. Nyman, BSc (Hons Kin), DC
December 01, 2002
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS):
Case study
By Dr. Jong H.Oh DC
Cerebral Palsy
By Philip McAllister, DC, BKin, ACRB, CSCS, RTP
Canadian Chiropractor Magazine: May 2003 Vol 8 (3); pp18-23
Rhomboid Decelerator Dysfunction Syndrome
By Dr Seymour Pisarek DC, RTP, FIIT
Canadian Chiropractor- Vol 6, #1, February 2001
de Quervain’s Tenosynovitis:
A Clinical Review and Novel Approach to Treatment Using Trigenics®
By Dr. Jason D. Nyman, BSc (Hons Kin), DC
December 01, 2002
Soft Tissue Approach to Fibromyalgia
A new treatment protocol combining chiropractic with the Trigenics® technique
By Christian Guenette, BSc, DC, RTP, FIIT(c)
Canadian Chiropractor-Vol 8, No 1, February 2003
Rotator Cuff Tendonitis-Case Study
An application of the Trigenics technique
By Dr Christian Guenette, BSc, DC, RTP, FIIT(c)
Canadian Chiropractor Magazine- February 2002
Trigenics® in Sports Chiropractic
In addressing soft tissue injuries from both a mechanical and neurological level, Trigenics® is versatile and highly effective.
By Dr John De Finney DC, FCCSS(C), RTP, FIIT
Canadian Chiropractor- October 2001
Trigenics® versus Myofascial Release Techniques:
What is the difference?
By Christian Guenette, DC, RTP, FIIT
August 2001