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Manual Muscle Testing A Thing of the Past?
Hand-Held Dynamometers may quickly replace subjective manual techniques

Dr. James Fung, BSc, DC, RTP
Canadian Chiropractor-Vol 8, No 4, June/July 2003

Achilles Paratenonitis:
A therapeutic case study

By Dr John DeFinney DC FCCSS(C)
Canadian Chiropractor- October 2001

Acute Inversion Ankle Reflexogenic Strain

By Dr Seymour Pisarek DC, RTP, FIIT
Canadian Chiropractor- Vol 7, #4, September 2002

Hamstring Injury-A Case Study

Dr. David Gryfe B.Sc., DC, DAc, FCCSS (c), RTP
February 2003

Acute Cervicothoracic Pain:
A case study

By Dr. Jason D. Nyman, BSc (Hons Kin), DC
December 01, 2002

Change the Way You Think with Power of Trigenics®!

Our programs are designed for medical doctors, physiotherapists, licensed massage therapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, kinesiologists, yoga and pilates instructors and manual medicine health practitioners, qualified and advanced personal trainers, athletic trainers, strength coaches, sports coaches, and health practitioner rehabilitation specialists.

Cerebral Palsy

By Philip McAllister, DC, BKin, ACRB, CSCS, RTP
Canadian Chiropractor Magazine: May 2003 Vol 8 (3); pp18-23

Rhomboid Decelerator Dysfunction Syndrome

By Dr Seymour Pisarek DC, RTP, FIIT
Canadian Chiropractor- Vol 6, #1, February 2001

Soft Tissue Approach to Fibromyalgia
A new treatment protocol combining chiropractic with the Trigenics® technique

By Christian Guenette, BSc, DC, RTP, FIIT(c)
Canadian Chiropractor-Vol 8, No 1, February 2003

Change the Way You Think with Power of Trigenics®!

Our programs are designed for medical doctors, physiotherapists, licensed massage therapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, kinesiologists, yoga and pilates instructors and manual medicine health practitioners, qualified and advanced personal trainers, athletic trainers, strength coaches, sports coaches, and health practitioner rehabilitation specialists.