TENS unit

TENS unit

TENS unit

$ 37.49

TENS machines send stimulus pulses across the surface of the skin and along the nerve strands which help reduce the probability of pain signals reaching the brain.


TENS, short for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, are predominately used for both acute and chronic nerve related pain conditions. TENS machines send stimulus pulses across the surface of the skin and along the nerve strands. This helps reduce the probability of pain signals reaching the brain.

Analog 602 TENS Unit Features

  • Immediate relief of acute or chronic pain
  • Protective caps over the amplitude adjustment knobs to prevent unintended changes to the pulse amplitude
  • Utilizes standard lead wires and “pigtail style” electrodes
  • Simple operation and extended battery life
  • Unit comes in hard-sided protective plastic case
  • Includes 2 lead wires, 1 pack (4) electrodes, a 9 volt battery and an instruction manual