Trig2Whether you are a patient seeking treatment for a new injury or painful long term condition that is not resolving and limiting your function; or you are an athlete or exercise enthusiast seeking to enhance your training outcomes and prevent injury, Trigenics® treatments could be the missing link to you achieving complete results. Treatments from either a Registered Trigenics® Practitioner (RTP) or a Certified Trigenics® Trainer (CTT) would be appropriate.
A Trigenics® treatment is quite revolutionary in that the significant results experienced are from the synergistic effect of the patient actively participating by generating resistive exercise movements in combination with the treatment the muscle and tendon nerve sensors provided by the practitioner. This has a greater effect on how the muscle, tendon and joint sensors respond to the treatment than if they were applied individually. The results are often increased strength and range of motion and decreased pain.
Registered Trigenics® Practitioners (RTPs) are accredited health professionals who are also trained in Trigenics® to manage conditions related to the spine and neck, upper limb (shoulders, elbow and wrists) and lower limb (hips, knees and ankles). The fully trained Trigenics® practitioner is able to fully assess and treat the whole body in order to provide optimal muscle – brain communication and myoneural balance.

Trigenics® Practitioners can help accelerate and enhance treatment outcomes for many conditions listed below:

AFNI Trigenics lumbar hip knee foot course

Hip pain and hip muscle imbalances
Hip impingements
Post operative hip replacements
Trochanteric bursitis
Snapping hip syndrome
Weak hip muscles, strains and tendonosis (i.e glute medius or TFL)
Osteoarthritis of the hip and knee
Knee pain
Patella femoral pain syndromes
Ankle sprains & ankle impingements
Plantar fascitis
Ankle tendonosis (peroneal, tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior, extensor digitorum)

Trigenics upper extremities course

Adhesive Capsulitis (i.e Frozen Shoulder)
Rotator Cuff & Biceps Tendonosis
Shoulder Impingements
Tingling and Numbness in arms and hands
History of Shoulder Dislocation
Elbow tendonosis & elbow pain
Tennis & Golfer’s Elbow
Wrist pain, wrist sprain
Post surgical wrist fractures with limited movement
Decreased grip strength
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Finger & Thumb tendonosis
Performance: increase strength and max reps for upper limb exercises


Neck Pain and Whiplash
Lower & Mid Back Pain
Disc bulges
Spinal Joint Degeneration
Facet syndromes
Spinal rehabilitation
Headaches and Migraines
Rib pain and partial subluxations
TMJ – Temporal Mandibular, Jaw pain – Joint pain
Poor Posture
Imbalanced pelvis
Back spasms
Respiratory conditions

Augment and enhance sports and training performance.


The Trigenics® Institute of Myoneural Medicine offers a complimentary Patient-Trigenist Placement service. If you are looking for a Registered Trigenics® Physician or Practitioner in your vicinity, click the button to use our Trigenist Locator or call us at +1 416-481-1936. One of our patient service representatives will be happy to find a Trigenics® practitioner close to you.


Trigenics® Shoulder Impingement Procedure (TSIP)

This is the world’s first manual operative procedure which fixes frozen shoulder impingement syndrome in 1 visit. Frozen Shoulder Impingement Syndrome aka Shoulder Impingement Syndrome somewhat mimics Adhesive Capsulitis Frozen Shoulder (AC) in that shoulder side raise (abduction) ability is limited and painful. It is much less debilitating than AC in that inward and outward rotation is generally not lost and side raising is higher and more functional. This condition still causes the patient great concern, pain, and dysfunction especially in activities which involve raising the arm above the head. Most patients with Shoulder Impingement Syndrome visit numerous therapists and doctors in usually futile attempts to resolve their condition. Estimates are that close to 1 Billion people worldwide suffer from this debilitating chronic degenerative condition.

Operation time: 1 hours

Trigenics® Knee Operation (TKO) For “Patellofemoral” Syndrome

This is the world’s first manual operative procedure which essentially cures knee patellofemoral syndrome in 1 visit. Patellofemoral Syndrome (PS) is a common condition affecting at least 20% of the population which is characterized by pain in the knee with weight loaded bending of the knee. (Medscape) Usually chronic and difficult to treat, PS is treated with physiotherapy, medications, injections and sometimes surgery. Estimates are that there are 1 Billion people suffering with this painful and debilitating condition worldwide.

Operation time: 40 min

Oolo-Austin Trigenics Manual Capsular Dissection Procedure (OAT) For Adhesive Capsulitis Frozen Shoulder

This is the world’s first safe and successful non-surgical operation which cures adhesive capsulitis frozen shoulder (AC) in 1 visit. Over 300 million people worldwide suffer with this terrible debilitating condition.

Operation time: 1.5 hours

Oolo-Austin Trigenics Manual Capsular Dissection Procedure (OAT) For Adhesive Capsulitis Frozen Shoulder video


Respiratory patients

Patients who have difficulty breathing can benefit from Trigenics. Many respiratory patients are taught Autogenic breathing and Autogenic Meditation for energy conservation and to improve their respiratory potential. However, restricted ribs, spine, pelvis, and hypertonic muscles may prevent these patients from achieving full functional benefit. By treating the restrictions in the spine, pelvis, ribs, and hypertonic muscles (i.e., rhomboids, sacrospinalis, diaphragm, psoas, quadratus lumborum, and intercostal muscles etc.) the patient may be able to expand the rib cage more fully and with greater ease and may be able to perform breathing exercises to a greater potential and with more comfort.

Geriatric patients

Usually, when elderly patients are exposed to Trigenics, they quickly accept it and benefit greatly because it is gentle and highly effective. Trigenics® may be able to reduce and relieve several chronic dysfunctions that have been preventing the patient from achieving a normal functional range of motion. These patients are often surprised and excited with the results, which effectively improve the quality of their life. They find themselves moving much more easily with less or no discomfort and often performing movements that they had assumed they had lost forever. These may include tying shoes, looking both ways when driving, riding a bike, walking, swimming, and other activities of daily living. Osteoporosis is a consideration with this patient population. Trigenics® is the treatment of choice in these cases as it is safe and non-traumatic. The elderly generally tolerate Trigenics® very well. Arthritic conditions often develop (hips, knees etc.) because of biomechanical imbalances arising from old sprain/strain injuries. Most elderly patients feel that their pains are simply a factor of age and that not much can be done for them. This is not the case and they are to be informed accordingly. Trigenics® is extremely effective for the elderly.

Pediatric patients

Infants and young children with congenital hip dysplasia, torticollis, brachial plexus injuries (Erb’s or mixed palsy), and colicky babies have been treated very successfully with Trigenics.
The Trigenist initially moves the infant’s body part for them. This, in turn, causes them to initiate movement themselves to assist in the procedure. Clinically, this technique is much more effective than simply stretching or massaging the muscles and is also effective when manipulation has failed. The child will likely be more cooperative because the treatment is more comfortable than stretching.

Pre and Post Surgery and Rehabilitation patients

Trigenics also has remarkably beneficial applications in the rehabilitation field. Unlike other manual therapies, special applications of Trigenics can be applied during the immediate acute post-injury stage.

Patients with anxiety

Patients suffering from anxiety related disorders respond very well to Trigenics. From a neurological perspective, Trigenics® applied to areas of chronic muscular hypertonicity has a remarkably sedative effect and provides a generalized calming of the patient. Post-Trigenics®
endorphin release is also accompanied by a characteristic sense of euphoria, which tends to alleviate anxiety.
Another benefit that some patients experience is an actual emotional outpouring called a Trigenics neuromyo-emotional response where emotional blocks that have been stored in the muscle knots are released. This facilitates some patients to laugh, cry or just become extremely
calm. Most Trigenics® patients, therefore, experience a great sense of stress reduction and generalized relaxation following a typical 10- minute treatment. Fibromyalgia patients also respond extremely well to Trigenics.

Neurological patients

Trigenics has been used successfully in treating individuals with hypertonicity secondary to both upper and lower motor neuron lesions. These patients include those with trigeminal neuralgia, traumatic brain injury, cerebral vascular accident, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and spinal cord injures. Areas of the body paralyzed or afflicted with severe hypotonia or atonia (i.e., flaccid arm and leg tone) will obviously not be responsive to Trigenics. If an individual has flaccid patterns in one area of the body and spastic patterns in another region, the hypertonic or spastic region would be amenable to treatment using Trigenics. Trigenics® with these patients may be used to reset gamma bias and thereby optimize muscle tone, improve postural positioning, and increase mobility and functional movement. Trigenics is effective in regaining mobility and function following most orthopedic surgeries. Even in cases where a number of years have passed and range of motion has been lost, Trigenics® is still often effective in increasing joint range of motion.